Day 8(Wednesday May 10th) 9pm
Today's was yet again another easy day do to a long travel to play Gould Academy in lacrosse. Our project supervisor Jen has been away all week. She has been down in DC at an important meeting where she was representing BOS with pride. She was at a couple of talks regarding important ocean environmental issues. But she left me with some important business. She gave me contact to a local reporter on the Seacoast in which we are going to use to try and make our no straw campaign more public. The boys and I have to form a press release in which we I'll use to up our campaign. It is a big task that we must do very well for it will reflect us and the school and most importantly BOS. Hopefully this goes through well because it will help immensely in our quest. She left me with a couple of guidelines and things to go off. It's a very exciting time for us in the middle of the battle for the No straw campaign. We need to make sure we are persistent with everything We do especially attacking businesses! They are the ones that will make the difference and we will be the ones to guide them. Just the other day we found 10 straws on the beach in a matter of 10 minutes of searching! That's a lot for such a short time. Karin I hope your reading this because I have some photos bellow I would love for you and everyone else to see! Big things coming in the grand scheme. Stay tuned!

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