Weekly Reflection 2 (Wednesday may 17th) 10am

Week two was a little more relaxed than week one but nonetheless very important. Our project supervisor Jen was away for most of the week at an important conference in Washington DC. There she talked about Blue ocean and what they do in our area and got good input on how to make the society improve. While she was away we conducted a beach cleanup with Liberty Mutual once again on Monday. The beach cleanup was organized to be down by the bridge next to the Hampton and Seabrook town line. We started in front of the RV park on the far end of the Hampton Beach strip. There we gathered the troops under the pavilion. We did the casual introduction and talked a little about the no straw campaign and then started the clean. This was a pretty solid group of people who all were very motivated to clean as much as possible. Between you and me the reason these people clean so long is because they don't have to go back to work the longer they stay at the beach. But anyways aside from that we picked up a lot of trash. The waves were very good that day and we had already surfed all morning. During the beach cleanup we stumbled upon a novelty wave. Whats a novelty wave you ask? Its a wave that breaks only during a certain swell direction and it doesn't happen often. I being very local to the area have heard about this novelty before but I never thought it wold be breaking on a day like today. We got to watch this wave in full for and for me it was a very cool experience. Being there cleaning the beach and watching this wave was awesome! The rest of the week was for the boys to get down to business. Jen left us with specific tasks to get done while she was away that were very intense. She had us write a press release about the project that we had to do very thoroughly because it will be published to the media with or names on the front. Then we had to create a flyer and go through videos clips from the beach clean up to post on the BOS website. All in a few days we had this done for our meeting on Friday. We went over all of this got the go ahead and sent the press release to the media! We still have a lot of work to do on the project but we are motivated and ready to go! Stay tuned!


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