Day 13(Thursday May 18th) 8pm

On this find Thursday the boys were very busy to say the least. We woke up packed all the paddle boards on the roof and went to the beach. We paddled around for a little while and enjoyed the day. Gray flee a drone around us all morning to get some cool footage. After that we went down to the Hampton Beach strip were there was more people than i could have ever imagined. We drove down and around spotting up places for us to post flyers for our campaign. We stopped into the local coffee shop and talked to the owner about the project. She was very happy we were able to form a flyer and she put it directly above her straws. It was ultimately a good day because we got some solid response and some stoked participants! We were happy we got something done but due to the crowd we were halted in our work. There was just one to many people for us down there to actually get into some of the main restaurants. But tomorrow is a new day! Stay tuned!!


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