Day 7(Tuesday may 9th) 10pm

Today was a relaxed day for the guys filled with waves and driving. I want to talk more about the surfing aspect in this blog because I think it goes very well with everything we've been doing. A lot of why I wanted to do this project is because I love the ocean so much and spend much of my time in during the summer months. The surfing culture in Newhampshire is very small but rich with history. Many people don't believe there are actually waves here and honestly that's awesome because not only is it completely false but it also keeps people from crowding our breaks! The best part about surfing in NH is that it's a small coastline so you can pretty much surf the whole place in one day. Today was one of those days for us. We started off in Sebabrook caught a couple waves which is located farthest towards Massachusetts. After we roled up the street a little to surf in Hampton which is the center of the action in my eyes for surfing. Then we ended the day in Rye. Any farther north and your in Maine so pretty much scaled it all today. We have been filming non stop and stacking up a lot of footage for everyone's viewing pleasure. So please be patient because what we have in store for everyone in the end will not disappoint. We have been working on keeping the ocean clean as well as enjoying it. The rest of this week entails lots of emails and brochure work. Stay tuned for more!


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