Day 2(Tuesday/May 2nd) 8pm

A day for the ages today was with a massive beach cleanup. Today we were instructed by our project mentor to head down to Foss beach right in Rye, NH. For any of you who know the area this beach is directly in-front of Rays Seafood restaurant down the street fro Rye harbor. We met up with Rebecca who works for BOS and is the programs director. She explained to us that Liberty Mutual would be coming and bring a bunch of people. We didn't really know how many people were actually gonna show until the cars started to pile in. We had 150 volunteers at this beach clean up and it is the biggest one they do all year. It was even raining and people were still there. We had all these people and we corralled all of them under the pavilion and broke down the schedule. We introduced ourselves and handed out clip boards with a sheet of paper giving them a place to record everything they pick up. We commenced the clean up and next thing we know we have 850 pounds of trash at our feet. Yes 850 pounds!! The craziest part was that they had clean the beach just a week ago! We weighed each bag individually and came out with 850. We had to double bag everything and get it ready for the state to pick up. We started at 9am and finished at 1pm. It was a really eye opening day. There is much more in store and some waves on the way!


  1. Wow! They had cleaned the beach a week ago? That's so nuts that there was that much trash out there! Good work!

  2. Enjoy your project, Crowley. I look forward to hearing more about how your project develops.


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