Day 11 (May 16th Tuesday)

With the weather so nice out today it was only fitting that the boys go to the beach! Today we had a beach clean up in Hampton with Seabroom Middle school kids. There was about 25 or so of them and all stoked to be there. We cleaned up about 30lbs of trash which is pretty standard for this beach. Although we didn't scale the whole beach it was a good size load for the little area we covered. After that we went down and talked to a couple of business about the project. I talked to the manager of Bernies beach bar and grill which is directly across from a prime beach location. This guy was convinced that none of his straws have ever gotten to the beach out of the 800 picked up last year. But I persuaded him into sending me and email and following up on the project. Some people are very interested in what we're doing but some seize to believe that they are at any wrong. Hopefully we can get people to go all in with us on the campaign because it will only help the marine life in the long run! Stay tuned!


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