Weekly reflection 3 (the finish line)

This week was an amazing week! We could not have asked for a better week of weather to be down at the Beach! It was a pretty solid work week and we got to surf a little to. The surfing was fun on Monday we got to surf a spot I normally don't go out much at because it doesn't work that often, but today it was! We paddled out on our long boards and got some good long rides. It was raining but that never stops anyone when there's waves. Gray was shooting from the rocks inland getting some really good perspective video and photos. Also this week we got to do another beach cleanup! This time we did it with some middle school students from Seabrook Middle School. They were all so stoked to be out of school and at the beach. But most importantly they were stoked to be at the beach cleaning it. We worked on cleaning Hampton beach on this day from the right side of the musical stage to the houses on the far end. In total there was probably about 30 people including us so we were able to get a good clean in. The thing about Hampton Beach is that it's a state beach so it get cleaned a lot. But that also means that every person in the entire state as well as others also come. So there's a lot of trash at certain points during the summer months. The thing about the strip in Hampto is you get all sorts of interesting people. You get people who look like they've never been to the beach and that means they really don't care about the beach. So they tend to make the most mess. Also there are a lot of food vendors right across from the beach about a half football field away. That means for rubbish to get to the beach it's all to easy. They have a big machine that the use to grade the beach sand and it also scrapes up the trash so that helps with the masses in the summer. But BOS tends to do a lot of the cleaning. The middle school kids were awesome and we got to educate them on our project and many of them were super intrigued on what we were doing. We interviewed the kids for our video and they loved being in front of the camera! We picked up 27 pounds of trash but all quality small plastic because that's the type of plastic that marine life and birds can think is food. The next day we went out and talked to some more businesses about the project and the campaign. Lots of people are very excited about what we're doing but a lot are just giving us the cold shoulder.


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